Seems like some one is catching up to the evils in Coshocton........
Fisrt the deal with 3 rivers infusion......which is not the fist home care agency to giggle the reposts and books to make money, it real easy to say it was done and it wasn't in home care, to spend 10 minutes in thehome and charge for 30-60........cut corners by ordering supplies , push the one time use to several times, not returning supplies to credit the patient, instead keeping them in stock for someone else., then chargin the patient for supplies they did not pay for....the patients don't know, unless the supplies are developed to their home. I could extensively elborate on this.....
Now the sheriff election.........well the one in question,look who he was using at his booth that year at the fair, and was helping with the campaign....need more be said......
Some day coshocton will realize there are many not so honest outstanding people in the quaint little area.......
Look around those with all the cash........sure do not help much......but they don't mind having nice condo's etc in Florida.....going to Vegas....high dollar car racing event, etc......