Little by little, our lives are changing. We don't travel as much, and we don't eat out as much, we shop less, we buy cheaper food, and it was been slow in coming.
WHy? So we don't notice the changes so much. Like a slow growing cancer. Robbing us one penny at a time, as we close our eyes to what is happening.
Slowly food cost a few cent more, every week or so. Jobs loss is slowly coming to the middle class. Factories are closing, not all over night, but over years. One by one, little by little.
Teaching you to fear, to work for less money, more hours and with less benefits. Becoming like slaves, fearing the boss, the company. We are becoming more dependent on the government for housing, food stamps, and all other needs.
Only 4% of the population are able to live off their own land. Everyone else depends on stores for buying their food. Heating their homes with gas, or electric. Little by little, penny by penny. We are becoming poorer. And many of us are not even aware of it.
Like a game of take away, many of us are losing our cards. And it makes you wonder, just where we will be at a year from now? A slave population, living off the government, following their housing rules, working for the government to pay off your benefits? Prehaps policing your neighbors and streets as Obama implied?