The "gay" life is being pushed upon us. What you do behind closed door is your affair, but why must it be all over the TV. Why, I don't need to explain it, the people on this forum understand the why of it.
Another rant about what they push on TV.
You don't see very may people smoking on TV because it has become such a taboo. In today's world people would stone smokers if they could. And this push to blame overweight people for the health care crisis. Doesn't anyone see this is eugenics coming to a town near you. My grandmother was a cubby short little lady, who died at 94 and was never sick a day in her life. Wasn't it Hitler how wanted a fit nation with no smoking? Have we forgotten already the ideas of this man and where it lead?
They want a super fit nation of gays and Mexcian's. And get rid of the rest of us. They need the Mexcians to pick their food and the gays to serve it to them. The rest of us are just useless feeders that are jobless and no longer needed to make their play toys. They get those from China now. The power plants and everthing else they need will be ran by robots. Just like this new Bigdog that will be fighting on the killing fields. They won't even need you children any more to fight their wars, just a few for thier sexual needs.
I never thought I would see this happen in my life time. Saw it at the movies, but it's coming in the real world. When I watched Alex's movie endgame I thought he might have just gone off his rocker on this one, but my God it seems he might be right again.