Sorry folks but ya gotta see the pic to fully enjoy this one. Nothin' like a good bunch of excuses for the way people act.
But here's a little clip to get your attention:
"According to the Office of National Statistics (so it must be true), it’s the wife who is granted divorce in 68% of cases. And her most popular reason for seeking divorce, if popular is the right word (which it isn’t), is behaviour. This suggests two things we probably knew already. One, men behave badly, and two, a lot of women don’t work this out until a few months, or even years, after they’ve cantered down the aisle. There appears to be a worrying knowledge gap, but, with a bit of schooling, I can close it. I can explain why we behave badly — or, more accurately, why you think we're behaving badly when, actually, our behaviour is perfectly understandable and logical. To us.
Allow me to pick seven universal areas of classic male “bad” behaviour — the areas that excite the divorce lawyers — and attempt to demonstrate that (a) the behaviour really isn’t bad at all, and (b) our hearts are in the right place. Thus enlightened, you will be more tolerant of our foibles and the world will be a happier place. Next week, world poverty: the solution. "