What upsets me is this started with Bush, and where in the hell was Glenn than? Now that Obama is in office, now .............FOx news is talking like Alex JOnes! All this should have been talked about during the 8 years of Bush, who set all this up.
Have you noticed all the changes made on msnbc, cnn, hln,and fox? Why to make the country think they are seeing change. Change logo's, back grounds, lineups and hosts. Reminds me of how stores move their stuff around, so you have to walk though the store to find something, so you will pick up more items as you do a walk though. Mind games, to sell the AMerican public.
There is no change, BlackBush is following WhiteBush's polices. The Amercian people have been fooled. Let the roits, food shortages, death camps and Martial law begin!